Beer in a box next
Good News for beer drinkers, Heineken to introduce a new concept “beer in a cube”. According to foodbeast
It’s been a good week for booze-twisted childhood memories. We’ve seen
alcoholic capri sun packs and adult strawberry milk and to round it all
out, now we have this kind of brilliant concept from French design group
Petit Romain. After completely blowing Sacagawina out of the water, I
am now pleased to present: the Heineken Cube.

Reminiscent of lunch line milk cartons, these economical little beauties are designed to cut down on the wasted space lost between the necks of beer bottles and maximize storage. Just imagine how many of these single-serve squares you could fit

in the very same space you used to fill up with just one long necked behemoth. Plus, excluding the old Heineken bricks from the 1960s, beer in a box is novel now, and novelty is always cool.

Reminiscent of lunch line milk cartons, these economical little beauties are designed to cut down on the wasted space lost between the necks of beer bottles and maximize storage. Just imagine how many of these single-serve squares you could fit

in the very same space you used to fill up with just one long necked behemoth. Plus, excluding the old Heineken bricks from the 1960s, beer in a box is novel now, and novelty is always cool.
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