Curfew imposed as Issac makes windfall

St. Bernard Parish Sheriff James Pohlmann has announced a parishwide curfew from 8 p.m. today to 6 p.m. Wednesday because of heavy rains and wind from Hurricane Isaac. Also, the curfew was put into effect immediately and will remain in place for more than 24 hours for areas outside the hurricane protection levee system in eastern St. Bernard, which was placed under mandatory evacuation by Parish President David Peralta on Monday, Pohlmann said.
“We will begin a curfew at 8 p.m. inside the levee system, which gives any businesses still open time to take care of customers who need items in preparation for the hurricane,” Pohlmann said.
The combination of heavy rains and winds that could be 80 mph creates a situation” where we don’t want anyone on the streets,” the sheriff said.
“There is a level of anxiety created when a hurricane is coming so close to the parish,” he said. “After our experience with Hurricane Katrina, no one wants to go through it again.”
He added, “And it raises the anxiety level higher when this hurricane is making landfill on the anniversary of Katrina, further bringing up memories of that tragedy for our parish.”
Sheriff’s deputies will continue to patrol with help from the Louisiana National Guard, which will provide high-water vehicles in St. Bernard, Pohlmann said.
Deputies were instructed that while on patrol in subdivisions they should drive slowly through water to make sure they don’t create higher water for resident’ homes.Read More
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