25 Oct 2012
Binge Drinking,dirty dancing,grinding,gyration,motion,sexially suggestive dancing,sexual,sexually suggestive,students
by admin
High School Principal in Pittsburgh area has banned sexually suggestive
dancing known as “grinding” at school dances because repeated appeals
to students to ‘cut it out” have fallen on deaf ears, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported.

The Gazette reported that “school officials in Mt. Lebanon have tried everything to stop it: adding teacher chaperones, bulking up law enforcement, even playing songs from an era when this salacious pas de deux was a faux pas”.
Grinding: is slang term for sexually suggestive dance where a male partner rubbing up behind a female partner when both move in a “gyration motion” from side to side or back and forth.
Brian R.McFeeley of Mt.Lebanon school in a letter to the parents has said “It’s just not appropriate”
“It would be behavior we wouldn’t condone in the hallways and at other events.” McFeeley further said.
He has also noted that some students were getting smashed before dances “binge drinking just prior to entering…so that the effects of alcohol are felt shortly after their arrival on the dance floor.”
The letter sent to the parents was published on Gawker website along with a reply from a 16 year old student who agreed that some of the students show up at the dances completely trashed, which could endanger many peoples’ lives.
According to the Gazette six students were given citation notices on October 13 for drinking. A 16 year old has to be wheeled to out a nearby hospital because her blood-alcohol level was 0.27, which was near fatal level.
The 16 year old student in the letter says the dance is “harmless and was “nothing more than teenagers letting out a little sexual frustration.”
“However, I, like nearly the entire student body, feel that the banning on the style of dance that does not hurt anyone is quite absurd and think the administration should be focusing more on the small group of students that consistently shows up to dances completely trashed, which can potentially endanger many people’s lives,” the student wrote.
The student later added, “doing a little dirty dancing two Saturdays a year is not worth the district’s time and attention, unlike more pressing issues such as teen drinking.”

The Gazette reported that “school officials in Mt. Lebanon have tried everything to stop it: adding teacher chaperones, bulking up law enforcement, even playing songs from an era when this salacious pas de deux was a faux pas”.
Grinding: is slang term for sexually suggestive dance where a male partner rubbing up behind a female partner when both move in a “gyration motion” from side to side or back and forth.
Brian R.McFeeley of Mt.Lebanon school in a letter to the parents has said “It’s just not appropriate”
“It would be behavior we wouldn’t condone in the hallways and at other events.” McFeeley further said.
He has also noted that some students were getting smashed before dances “binge drinking just prior to entering…so that the effects of alcohol are felt shortly after their arrival on the dance floor.”
The letter sent to the parents was published on Gawker website along with a reply from a 16 year old student who agreed that some of the students show up at the dances completely trashed, which could endanger many peoples’ lives.
According to the Gazette six students were given citation notices on October 13 for drinking. A 16 year old has to be wheeled to out a nearby hospital because her blood-alcohol level was 0.27, which was near fatal level.
The 16 year old student in the letter says the dance is “harmless and was “nothing more than teenagers letting out a little sexual frustration.”
“However, I, like nearly the entire student body, feel that the banning on the style of dance that does not hurt anyone is quite absurd and think the administration should be focusing more on the small group of students that consistently shows up to dances completely trashed, which can potentially endanger many people’s lives,” the student wrote.
The student later added, “doing a little dirty dancing two Saturdays a year is not worth the district’s time and attention, unlike more pressing issues such as teen drinking.”
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