28 Oct 2012
The deadly Taliban insurgents have introduced a “Burka Bridge” consisting woman fighters to fight Russian troops in Chechnya.

A video posted on line shows, the male counterparts training women how to fire at Russian troops holding Russian made Ak-47 automatic rifles. The secret recruitment drive was apparently launched this year in Afghanistan Pakistan and various other countries.
South Asian military experts say several women also have been drafted into Suicide Brigade. According to British Daily Mail, the women are being used to avoid detection at check points.

The training is supposedly conducted in mountain regions away from “eyes in the skies’, the U.S drones. Most of the women also have undergone brainwashing classes before being detailed to combat areas.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam who fought a war with Sri Lankan government for 30 years effectively used women soldiers on the front lines. Some of the women were part of brigade called “Black Tigers”, who were involved in several assassinations of government ministers and high ranking military officials.

In 2009, the Sri Lankan government with the help of Indian army defeated the rebels ending the 30 year war.

A video posted on line shows, the male counterparts training women how to fire at Russian troops holding Russian made Ak-47 automatic rifles. The secret recruitment drive was apparently launched this year in Afghanistan Pakistan and various other countries.
South Asian military experts say several women also have been drafted into Suicide Brigade. According to British Daily Mail, the women are being used to avoid detection at check points.

The training is supposedly conducted in mountain regions away from “eyes in the skies’, the U.S drones. Most of the women also have undergone brainwashing classes before being detailed to combat areas.
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam who fought a war with Sri Lankan government for 30 years effectively used women soldiers on the front lines. Some of the women were part of brigade called “Black Tigers”, who were involved in several assassinations of government ministers and high ranking military officials.

In 2009, the Sri Lankan government with the help of Indian army defeated the rebels ending the 30 year war.
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