The Moe dating service offer three “courses” one hour date is $ 55, three hours at $ 170 and five hours at $ 240.00. No overnight “parking facilities” available.
A customer can pick up any size or any age (not below 18) online with at least two hours of window. But the company’s website does not reveal the charges for cancellation. Also the site says sex is forbidden.
The employees-all on freelance basis are not permitted to go into a private, or a hotel rooms with their clients unless “there is a spark”. We aren’t sure whether all employees are fitted with GPS trackers and miniature video cameras or microphones.
It further explains if an employee is attracted to a client, the client could request for an additional date without having to pay an additional fee. A repeat client could ask for a delivery service c, but cost of transportation would be added to the course.
Source: Rocket News
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