Insurgents have destroyed 6 fighter jets in British airfield attack, were dressed in U.S military uniforms
officials have said that Taliban insurgents who mounted attacks on a
British airfield in Afghanistan killing two U.S marines on Friday were
dressed in U.S military style uniforms and in the attack six Harrier
Fighter jets were destroyed.

In a statement, the officials have said that 15 men who mounted the daring attack were well equipped, trained and rehearsed. Fourteen attackers were killed and one was captured.
The insurgents were armed with Soviet made automatic rifles AK-47s and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs). It is widely believed all of them belong to the suicide unit of Taliban since NATA soldiers discovered several suicide vests.
The men had penetrated the outer perimeter of the base and before launching the attacks in which two U.S marines were killed have destroyed six hangars and three refueling stations.
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In a statement, the officials have said that 15 men who mounted the daring attack were well equipped, trained and rehearsed. Fourteen attackers were killed and one was captured.
The insurgents were armed with Soviet made automatic rifles AK-47s and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs). It is widely believed all of them belong to the suicide unit of Taliban since NATA soldiers discovered several suicide vests.
The men had penetrated the outer perimeter of the base and before launching the attacks in which two U.S marines were killed have destroyed six hangars and three refueling stations.
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