No evidence of Sam Bacile existence, Associated Press issues lengthy correction, questions raised about $ 5 million contributions
* No public records on Sam Bacile. * No evidence to prove donors contributed $ 5 million for the production of the movie.
* Media for Christ denies involvement. Washington Times also issues correction.

Sam Bacile, the man who was instrumental to protests, attacks, mayhem and killings in Middle East last week is a creation of the media; there are no public records to prove existence of such person in United States or any evidence to prove that donors contributed $ 5 million for the production of the movie, the “Innocence of Muslims”.
The Associated Press which quoted Sam Bacile as the writer/director of the movie on Saturday issued a lengthy correction to say that it is unable to confirm existence of a person with the name of Sam Bacile.
The Media Director of AP Paul Colford in an email to the blog site Poynter has stated that “After the initial story ran out of L.A., AP staffers worked diligently, here and abroad to detail the background of the individuals involved and the circumstances.”
In a Sept. 12 story about a film that sparked deadly
protests in Libya and Egypt, The Associated Press quoted a man who
identified himself in several phone conversations as Sam Bacile, and who
said he wrote and directed the film. The AP story quoted him saying he
was an Israeli Jew.
In later reporting, the AP was unable to find any public records confirming the existence of a person with that name.
The AP subsequently reported that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was the key figure behind the film. Federal authorities confirmed that finding. A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that authorities had connected Nakoula to the man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile. Federal court papers filed against Nakoula in a 2010 criminal prosecution noted that Nakoula had used numerous aliases, including Nicola Bacily and Robert Bacily. Nakoula told the AP on Wednesday that he is a Coptic Christian.
The person claiming to be Bacile said in his conversation with the AP that the film was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors. According to Film L.A. Inc., which grants filming permits in Los Angeles County, the production company for the film was a Duarte, Calif.-based Christian group, Media for Christ. The president of that organization is a Christian from Egypt.
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* Media for Christ denies involvement. Washington Times also issues correction.

Sam Bacile, the man who was instrumental to protests, attacks, mayhem and killings in Middle East last week is a creation of the media; there are no public records to prove existence of such person in United States or any evidence to prove that donors contributed $ 5 million for the production of the movie, the “Innocence of Muslims”.
The Associated Press which quoted Sam Bacile as the writer/director of the movie on Saturday issued a lengthy correction to say that it is unable to confirm existence of a person with the name of Sam Bacile.
The Media Director of AP Paul Colford in an email to the blog site Poynter has stated that “After the initial story ran out of L.A., AP staffers worked diligently, here and abroad to detail the background of the individuals involved and the circumstances.”
In later reporting, the AP was unable to find any public records confirming the existence of a person with that name.
The AP subsequently reported that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was the key figure behind the film. Federal authorities confirmed that finding. A federal law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday that authorities had connected Nakoula to the man using the pseudonym of Sam Bacile. Federal court papers filed against Nakoula in a 2010 criminal prosecution noted that Nakoula had used numerous aliases, including Nicola Bacily and Robert Bacily. Nakoula told the AP on Wednesday that he is a Coptic Christian.
The person claiming to be Bacile said in his conversation with the AP that the film was financed with the help of more than 100 Jewish donors. According to Film L.A. Inc., which grants filming permits in Los Angeles County, the production company for the film was a Duarte, Calif.-based Christian group, Media for Christ. The president of that organization is a Christian from Egypt.
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