Funny English! check out some misspelled, eccentric signs…

Unknown | 22:19 |


{ JPInformation } at: 16 October 2012 at 22:07 said...

This story made me laugh and recall all the funny signs that I’ve seen. I find these signs hilarious. I’m a native English speaker from the United States, but I’ve lived in different parts of Asia for six years. I’ve seen some hilarity in signs during this time. All of these mistakes got the wheels in my head turning, and I made a business plan for a company that corrects signs with incorrect English. We haven’t officially opened yet because I’m still waiting for my company registration in Thailand, but I anticipate that it’s going to be successful. If the service becomes popular in Thailand, then I’ll start to tackle surrounding countries too. Some of my English-speaking friends are dismayed by the idea of my new company, and they don’t wish me success. They’d rather the incorrect signs to stay that way and provide them with constant sources of entertainment.

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