177,000 people murdered each year in African continent~report reveals
Africa has the world’s highest number of murders followed by the Western Atmosphere.

Each year 170,000 people are murdered in Africa and in Latin America 144,000 homicides are carried out, a report by Citizens Security in Lain America revealed.
Full text of the report below…
In 2010, the Western Hemisphere had the world’s second highest number of murders (144,000) after Africa (170,000),
far above Europe (25,000) and Oceania (1,200). It also ranked second in per capita terms, with a murder rate of 15.6 per
100,000 inhabitants compared to 17.4 for Africa and a world average of 6.9 (UNODC 2011: 19–21).
In the last decade, homicide grew continuously in Latin America. In 2000 the murder rate stood at 20 per 100,000
inhabitants; by 2008 the rate was 26 per 100,000, with an average of 22 in the period 2000–2008. This rate masks differences
among subregions. In Mexico and Central America,1 as well as in the Andean subregion,2 the average rate was 27;
in the Southern Cone3 it was just nine (Costa 2011: 7–et seq). In the former two subregions the rate was four times the world
average of 6.9, while in the latter it was only slightly higher. The rate in most Latin American countries greatly exceeds
10 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, the point at which the World Health Organization (WHO) considers a country to be
facing an epidemic of violence. During the decade the rate Read more…

Each year 170,000 people are murdered in Africa and in Latin America 144,000 homicides are carried out, a report by Citizens Security in Lain America revealed.
Full text of the report below…
In 2010, the Western Hemisphere had the world’s second highest number of murders (144,000) after Africa (170,000),
far above Europe (25,000) and Oceania (1,200). It also ranked second in per capita terms, with a murder rate of 15.6 per
100,000 inhabitants compared to 17.4 for Africa and a world average of 6.9 (UNODC 2011: 19–21).
In the last decade, homicide grew continuously in Latin America. In 2000 the murder rate stood at 20 per 100,000
inhabitants; by 2008 the rate was 26 per 100,000, with an average of 22 in the period 2000–2008. This rate masks differences
among subregions. In Mexico and Central America,1 as well as in the Andean subregion,2 the average rate was 27;
in the Southern Cone3 it was just nine (Costa 2011: 7–et seq). In the former two subregions the rate was four times the world
average of 6.9, while in the latter it was only slightly higher. The rate in most Latin American countries greatly exceeds
10 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, the point at which the World Health Organization (WHO) considers a country to be
facing an epidemic of violence. During the decade the rate Read more…
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