22 Nov 2012

The Texas department of public safety said at least 140 vehicles were involved and the massive crash occurred due to dense fog and mist along the interstate. Authorities shut down the interstate on both directions and it would remain closed until investigations are completed.

The injured were ferried by to nearby hospitals by land and air.

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office at 9:45 a.m. issued the following news release:

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office is currently on-scene of a catastrophic major accident on IH-10 (MM 835) near Hamshire, Texas. The accident appears to involve over 500 cars in accident scene with numerous injuries. A mass casualty request has been put out to all local hospitals and numerous emergency vehicles are on-scene or en route. There is extremely thick fog in the area.

IH-10 Eastbound and Westbound has been shut down. It will be shut down for several hours. Please notify your all travelers to avoid this area with Holiday Traffic.
Pictures: 12newsnow
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