19 Nov 2012

Any case Allred is representing will make headlines from the sidelines.
It is not clear why Khawam has hired Allred to represent her although there had been no charges filed against her or her sister Kelley, the woman who wants diplomatic protection because she holds a symbolic honorary consul general title of South Korea.
Kelley blew the lid off the affair after Paula Broadwell started sending unpleasant emails to Kelley. Broadwell accuses Kelley for touching General Petraeus under the table. Kelley with a help of her “contact” inside FBI was able to pin-point her cyber bully. But when the FBI dug deep, they found Jill Kelley, was bombarding General John Allen, commander of U.S forces in Afghanistan with emails.
It is not known who would foot the bill to retain Allred as her lawyer.
David Petraeus and John Allen, both wrote extraordinary support letter to a judge in Columbia when Khwam was involved in bitter custody battle with her ex-husband.
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