Speculations are rife that there would be a massive volcano eruption in Yellowstone on December 3rd, according a report published on Thursday.

Readings of the
Norris Junction Yellowstone
seismology graphs are currently off the charts. Suddenly at 6pm
Mountain time on November 28th, seismological readings spiked, as shown
on 2nd graph below. Is the
Yellowstone mega-volcano reacting
to the approaching cosmic alignment that is about to occur on December
3rd, 2012? According to Discover Magazine’s Bad Astronomy, Mercury,
Venus and Saturn will indeed fall into alignment over the Giza pyramids
on December 3, 2012.

What kind of effect will that alignment have upon our planet Earth?
Could Yellowstone’s awakening be just another one of the many
earth changes that are now happening across the planet, including an uptick in seismic activity in the area surrounding the
Long Valley Caldera in Long Ridge, California? Whether the earth changes have anything to do with a rumored approaching ‘Planet X’ is beyond me.
NASA once again has warned us that we have nothing to worry about. Then again, it sure seems like a lot of
strange things
are happening with our planet lately. Maybe the Mayans were right after
all? December 21st, 2012 is only weeks away… This first graph is for
today; 2nd graph down shows the sudden spike at 6pm Wednesday. The video
at the bottom shares an
MSNBC news report informing us that Yellowstone may indeed have a very short fuse;
Yellowstone erupts on average once every 600,000 years, it’s been 640,000 since it last erupted.
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