01 Nov 2012

Nickolas Coke’s condition is known as anencephaly is very rare and it occurs in one out of 100,000 births according the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Coke, according to her grandmother came down with a virus on Wednesday and he stopped breathing eventually despite three attempts to revive him.
The doctors never expected him to live more than few hours. But he defied the odds. Although he needed special medical equipment, Coke lived without any tubes or any machines.
According KOAA-TV, he became an older brother last month and her sister was named Jace Nickolas James in honor of a little-boy-a medical mystery, who fought to live.
“And he was our hero because he showed the strength if I can do this anything can be done,” said Sherri Kohut, the grandmother of Nickolas. “He will always be remembered.”
The family wanted to extend a special thanks to Sangre de Cristo Hospice, which has been by their side during Nickolas’ entire life.
“We just want to make sure everybody knows how wonderful hospice really is and if they have a family member in need the hospice services–it’s a great team, they’re there for you. They help you spiritually. They help you find the finances you need for certain things. We just wanted to thank the hospice team. Pastor Jake, Deb, Kay, Melody, Tara, Wilma. They helped guide us in the right direction,” said Laura Mondragon.
“I want to thank everybody for their support of us. No one understood what we had to go through, but there were a lot of exceptional people out there that had kind words and respect for our family to understand Nicky was here for a reason,” said Kohut.
If you’d like to help the family with funeral expenses they’re setting up a bank account at U.S. Bank.
Source: KOAA-TV
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