Defense contractors caught on camera drinking, shooting drugs in operational areas putting American lives at risk

Unknown | 23:30 | ,

A private security company hired by US government to provide security and training in Afghanistan is in deep dilemma after a video footage surfaced last week showing employees chugging vodka shots and shooting narcotics, ABC news reported.
Shots of Vodka-From ABC Video
The video posted on ABC website was broadcast nationwide last evening on “ABC World News with Diane Sawyer and Nightline”.
The video has been captured at an US operation center belonging to US contractor Jorge Scientific-which has won nearly $ 1 billion in US government contracts. It shows shirtless men gulping vodka and wrestling with each other, while another, identified as a medical officer for the employees, starring at the cell phone camera after shooting up a powerful anesthetic known as Ketamine.
Tax payers money used for wrestling encounters-from ABC video
Contractors working for US government have been ordered to refrain from using drugs and alcohol in operational areas. As it may risk the lives of troops on ground.
Jorge Scientific in a statement posted on ABC website said that it had “taken decisive action to correct the unacceptable behavior of a limited number of employees” and hired an independent investigation team to carry out a probe.
Medic of the company-ABC Video
An unspecified number of employees, including a former senior executive and “several others mentioned in the complaint” no longer work for the company, it said.
The cell phone video, shot, early this year, has been handed over to ABC by two former employees of the company, who have filed two separate lawsuits against Jorge Scientific.
In an interview with ABC, they said they quit the company in disgust and for their own safety following the behavior of their colleagues. The ABC last night said the scenes looked like a “rowdy frat house”.
In response to the allegations, a senior Pentagon official told the French News Agency, the AFP, that all “allegations of inappropriate behavior by contractors and service members very seriously,”
The ABC said on its website that at least one US army major-female-took part in the routine parties and engaged in sexual activities.
Empty bottle of Vodka on Afghan map.
Army’s investigation department is looking into the allegations.


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